If You Love Someone…

Here is the bittersweet story of a rescued cheetah who was released into the wild. If you love someone, you have to be willing to let them go if it is for their own good and their ultimate happiness. Beasts who are truly beloved are free to live their lives.

Newly rescued cheetah cub

Newly rescued cheetah cub


Sue Roberts, who owns and operates a game lodge in the Lewa Wildlife Conservatory in Kenya wrote about her experience in her blog which contains many beautiful photos and amazing stories of their life in Kenya. This little cub, named Sheeba, was rescued as a very young, motherless cub, lovingly raised by the Roberts family, and then, even more lovingly, released back into the wild where she belonged.

Little Sheeba builds up speed

Little Sheeba builds up speed

Here is a sweet video of Sheeba first excursion into the grassy lawn of her temporary home:

Sheeba on the Lawn

Sheeba is now a beautiful, full-grown cheetah, who has adapted well to the wild. She stalks and hunts and is capable of taking down a full-grown impala. The beautiful cat is free to live out her life in the wild where she belongs.



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