Although domesticated cats are responsible, in part, for the decimation of many songbird populations, the wild cats, the “felids” are in desperate need of help. Almost half of the 36 wild cat populations around the world are in grave danger of disappearing off of the planet earth forever.
The most endangered of the felids is the Iberian Lynx. The last remaining pockets of this Lynx population exist in Portugal and central and southwestern Spain. The Iberian Lynx is generally crepuscular (active at twilight) and nocturnal, and rabbits are its favorite food.
The Iberian Lynx is a beautiful cat with impressive, tufted ears, bright spotted coat, magnificent whiskers and a neat bobbed tail. For all of its beauty, however, this Lynx’s luck is running out.
Here’s what you can do to help: Sign petitions that encourage the saving and reclamation of the Iberian Lynx’s habitat. Spread the word about this beautiful wild cat. Send the Lynx a care package full of rabbits. Read the poem below to your friends:
Ode to The Iberian Lynx
I told my friend, the Iberian Lynx
To travel to Egypt to go ask a sphinx
Why his whole family is in such a jinx
So he went, and then told me, “Here’s what the sphinx thinks:”
‘Two-leggeds push the wildcat to the brink
And then won’t acknowledge the obvious link
Between habitat loss and the humans who think
The space humans take up is not destined to shrink.”
“The solution is simple,” the savvy sphinx said,
“Work fast before every last Lynx winds up dead.”
“All these humans who think that they need so much room,
Must be packed up and sent off to live on the moon.”
Links to help the Lynx: